List of companies in the life science sector
This is a directory of companies in the UK operating in the life science sector ordered by local authority and town. There are currently 7,544 companies in the database. Hover over the company name to see the area of the company's business. Click on the name to see the company profile. Missing data? Click here to send us an email letting us know about a company not on the list.
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Company nameTownLocal authority
Avensys UK LtdKidderminsterWyre Forest
Comfyse LtdKidderminsterWyre Forest
Dynamic Europe LimitedKidderminsterWyre Forest
Severn Biotech LimitedKidderminsterWyre Forest
Dortrend International LimitedStourport-On-SevernWyre Forest
Pearl Dental Ceramics LimitedStourport-On-SevernWyre Forest
Tfh Holdings LimitedStourport-On-SevernWyre Forest
Pcmis Health Technologies LtdHeslingtonYork
Abaxis UK LimitedYorkYork
Almabion LimitedYorkYork
Aptamer Diagnostics LimitedYorkYork
Aptamer Solutions LimitedYorkYork
Authentix LimitedYorkYork
Avacta Group PlcYorkYork
Bioquote LimitedYorkYork
Blood Analysis LimitedYorkYork
Cell Analysis LimitedYorkYork
Cizzle Biotechnology LimitedYorkYork
Clearsky Medical Diagnostics LtdYorkYork
Cybula LimitedYorkYork
Guided Solutions LimitedYorkYork
Harrison Ip LimitedYorkYork
Hgf LimitedYorkYork
Infai U.K. Ltd.YorkYork
Kora Healthcare UK LtdYorkYork
Mandrill Media LimitedYorkYork
Neoceuticals LimitedYorkYork
Neotherix LimitedYorkYork
Npd Consultants LimitedYorkYork
Optisoft LtdYorkYork
Paraytec LimitedYorkYork
Qed Biomedical LtdYorkYork
Roboleo & Co LimitedYorkYork
Secerna LlpYorkYork
Skalar (UK) LimitedYorkYork
Swift Analytical LimitedYorkYork
Tissue Regenix LimitedYorkYork
York Glassware Services LimitedYorkYork
York Instruments LtdYorkYork
Yorktest Laboratories LimitedYorkYork
Company name, Town, Local authority
Avensys UK Ltd, Kidderminster, Wyre Forest
Comfyse Ltd, Kidderminster, Wyre Forest
Dynamic Europe Limited, Kidderminster, Wyre Forest
Severn Biotech Limited, Kidderminster, Wyre Forest
Dortrend International Limited, Stourport-On-Severn, Wyre Forest
Pearl Dental Ceramics Limited, Stourport-On-Severn, Wyre Forest
Tfh Holdings Limited, Stourport-On-Severn, Wyre Forest
Pcmis Health Technologies Ltd, Heslington, York
Abaxis UK Limited, York, York
Acm Global Central Laboratory Limited, York, York
Almabion Limited, York, York
Aptamer Diagnostics Limited, York, York
Aptamer Solutions Limited, York, York
Authentix Limited, York, York
Avacta Group Plc, York, York
Bioquote Limited, York, York
Blood Analysis Limited, York, York
Cell Analysis Limited, York, York
Cizzle Biotechnology Limited, York, York
Clearsky Medical Diagnostics Ltd, York, York
Cybula Limited, York, York
Guided Solutions Limited, York, York
Harrison Ip Limited, York, York
Hgf Limited, York, York
Infai U.K. Ltd., York, York
Kora Healthcare UK Ltd, York, York
Mandrill Media Limited, York, York
Neoceuticals Limited, York, York
Neotherix Limited, York, York
Npd Consultants Limited, York, York
Optisoft Ltd, York, York
Paraytec Limited, York, York
Qed Biomedical Ltd, York, York
Roboleo & Co Limited, York, York
Secerna Llp, York, York
Skalar (UK) Limited, York, York
Spie Mss Clean Technology Limited, York, York
Swift Analytical Limited, York, York
Tissue Regenix Limited, York, York
York Bioanalytical Solutions Limited, York, York
York Glassware Services Limited, York, York
York Health Economics Consortium Limited, York, York
York Instruments Ltd, York, York
Yorktest Laboratories Limited, York, York