List of companies in the life science sector

This is a directory of companies in the UK operating in the life science sector ordered by local authority and town. There are currently 7,544 companies in the database. Hover over the company name to see the area of the company's business. Click on the name to see the company profile. Missing data? Click here to send us an email letting us know about a company not on the list.

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Company nameTownLocal authority

Big Health LtdLondonCamden

Biomasys LtdLondonCamden

Biotecnol LimitedLondonCamden

Blum Health LtdLondonCamden

Braincures LtdLondonCamden

Brainminer LimitedLondonCamden

Cardiolyse LtdLondonCamden

Cellinta LtdLondonCamden

Chasmors LimitedLondonCamden

Codikoat LtdLondonCamden

Cognetivity LtdLondonCamden

Cryologyx LtdLondonCamden

D-Gen LimitedLondonCamden

Deltadot LimitedLondonCamden

Domainex LimitedLondonCamden

Emteq LimitedLondonCamden

Encode Health LtdLondonCamden

Epsilogen LtdLondonCamden

Fabrx LimitedLondonCamden

Company name, Town, Local authority

Benefica Consulting Ltd, London, Camden

Benevolentai Limited, London, Camden

Big Health Ltd, London, Camden

Bio2Business Limited, London, Camden

Biomarin (U.K.) Ltd., London, Camden

Biomasys Ltd, London, Camden

Biorelevant.Com Ltd, London, Camden

Biosysai Global Ltd, London, Camden

Biotecnol Limited, London, Camden

Blum Health Ltd, London, Camden

Bold Health Limited, London, Camden

Boomerang I-Comms Ltd, London, Camden

Braincures Ltd, London, Camden

Brainminer Limited, London, Camden

Capella Bioscience Ltd, London, Camden

Cardiolyse Ltd, London, Camden

Careology Health Limited, London, Camden

Cellinta Ltd, London, Camden

Cello Health Limited, London, Camden

Chasmors Limited, London, Camden

Cnx Therapeutics Limited, London, Camden

Codikoat Ltd, London, Camden

Cognetivity Ltd, London, Camden

Conalliance UK Limited, London, Camden

Cryologyx Ltd, London, Camden

Cytovation UK Limited, London, Camden

D-Gen Limited, London, Camden

Deltadot Limited, London, Camden

Domainex Limited, London, Camden

Drive Phase Pv Limited, London, Camden

Educo Life Sciences Ltd, London, Camden

Empire Medical UK Ltd, London, Camden

Emteq Limited, London, Camden

Encode Health Ltd, London, Camden

Epsilogen Ltd, London, Camden

Equalita Healthcare Ltd, London, Camden

Eventum Partners Ltd, London, Camden

Fabrx Limited, London, Camden