List of companies in the life science sector
This is a directory of companies in the UK operating in the life science sector ordered by local authority and town. There are currently 7,544 companies in the database. Hover over the company name to see the area of the company's business. Click on the name to see the company profile. Missing data? Click here to send us an email letting us know about a company not on the list.
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Company nameTownLocal authority
Tinsley & Tomsett LimitedWaterloovilleHavant
AAH Pharmaceuticals LimitedEssexHavering
Veecare Homes Ltd.HornchurchHavering
Macarthys Laboratories LimitedRomfordHavering
Sensing.Self Pte LtdRomfordHavering
A K Industries LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Eumar Technology LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Limbco LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Meddx Solutions LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Medi UK LtdHerefordHerefordshire
Propath (UK) LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
S.T.D. Pharmaceutical Products LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Specmat LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Tpg Disableaids LimitedHerefordHerefordshire
Arrow Medical LimitedKingtonHerefordshire
Sequani LimitedLedburyHerefordshire
The Helping Hand Company (Ledbury) LimitedLedburyHerefordshire
Wyvern Medical LimitedLedburyHerefordshire
Alarm Radio Monitoring LimitedLeominsterHerefordshire
Biotronics LtdLeominsterHerefordshire
Prometheus Medical LtdLeominsterHerefordshire
Invitron LimitedMonmouthHerefordshire
Haigh Engineering Co,Limited(The)Ross-On-WyeHerefordshire
Rb Medical Engineering LimitedRoss-On-WyeHerefordshire
Ultrafilter Medical LtdRoss-On-WyeHerefordshire
Visea LimitedTenbury WellsHerefordshire
Medical Imaging UK LimitedHemel HempsteadHertfordshire
Apatech LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
Lumenis (UK) LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
Masters Pharmaceuticals LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
Meltwind Advisory LlpBorehamwoodHertsmere
Meltwind LtdBorehamwoodHertsmere
Merz Pharma UK LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
Nanomab Technology (UK) LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
Nuvasive UK LimitedBorehamwoodHertsmere
The Wayback Productions LtdBorehamwoodHertsmere
Laprosurge LimitedBusheyHertsmere
Medipin LimitedBusheyHertsmere
Aptuit (Potters Bar) LimitedPotters BarHertsmere
Rehab Guru LimitedPotters BarHertsmere
Therapy Equipment LimitedPotters BarHertsmere
Purple Surgical Manufacturing LimitedRadlettHertsmere
Neater Solutions LimitedBuxtonHigh Peak
Tolley Health Economics LtdBuxtonHigh Peak
Fluorochem LimitedGlossopHigh Peak
Revolugen LimitedGlossopHigh Peak
Su-Med International (UK) LimitedGlossopHigh Peak
Vitro Safe Systems LimitedGlossopHigh Peak
Walker Safety Cabinets LimitedGlossopHigh Peak
Company name, Town, Local authority
Tinsley & Tomsett Limited, Waterlooville, Havant
AAH Pharmaceuticals Limited, Essex, Havering
Veecare Homes Ltd., Hornchurch, Havering
Macarthys Laboratories Limited, Romford, Havering
Sensing.Self Pte Ltd, Romford, Havering
A K Industries Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Eumar Technology Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Limbco Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Meddx Solutions Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Medi UK Ltd, Hereford, Herefordshire
Propath (UK) Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
S.T.D. Pharmaceutical Products Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Specmat Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Tpg Disableaids Limited, Hereford, Herefordshire
Arrow Medical Limited, Kington, Herefordshire
Sequani Limited, Ledbury, Herefordshire
The Helping Hand Company (Ledbury) Limited, Ledbury, Herefordshire
Wyvern Medical Limited, Ledbury, Herefordshire
Alarm Radio Monitoring Limited, Leominster, Herefordshire
Biotronics Ltd, Leominster, Herefordshire
Prometheus Medical Ltd, Leominster, Herefordshire
Invitron Limited, Monmouth, Herefordshire
Haigh Engineering Co,Limited(The), Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire
Rb Medical Engineering Limited, Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire
Ultrafilter Medical Ltd, Ross-On-Wye, Herefordshire
Visea Limited, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire
Medical Imaging UK Limited, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
Apatech Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Lumenis (UK) Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Masters Pharmaceuticals Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Meltwind Advisory Llp, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Meltwind Ltd, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Merz Pharma UK Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Nanomab Technology (UK) Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Nuvasive UK Limited, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
The Wayback Productions Ltd, Borehamwood, Hertsmere
Laprosurge Limited, Bushey, Hertsmere
Medipin Limited, Bushey, Hertsmere
Aptuit (Potters Bar) Limited, Potters Bar, Hertsmere
Rehab Guru Limited, Potters Bar, Hertsmere
Therapy Equipment Limited, Potters Bar, Hertsmere
Purple Surgical Manufacturing Limited, Radlett, Hertsmere
Neater Solutions Limited, Buxton, High Peak
Tolley Health Economics Ltd, Buxton, High Peak
Fluorochem Limited, Glossop, High Peak
Revolugen Limited, Glossop, High Peak
Su-Med International (UK) Limited, Glossop, High Peak
Vitro Safe Systems Limited, Glossop, High Peak
Walker Safety Cabinets Limited, Glossop, High Peak
Concept Life Sciences Integrated Discovery & Development Services Limited, High Peak, High Peak