List of companies in the life science sector
This is a directory of companies in the UK operating in the life science sector ordered by local authority and town. There are currently 7,544 companies in the database. Hover over the company name to see the area of the company's business. Click on the name to see the company profile. Missing data? Click here to send us an email letting us know about a company not on the list.
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Company nameTownLocal authority
Mahr Impex UK LtdBradfordBradford
Majestic Industries LtdBradfordBradford
Morvus Technology LimitedBradfordBradford
Pharmeum LtdBradfordBradford
Sgs Cambridge LimitedBradfordBradford
Sunflower Medical LimitedBradfordBradford
Surgi Care Instruments LtdBradfordBradford
Synergy Health Sterilisation UK LimitedBradfordBradford
Top Medics (UK) LimitedBradfordBradford
Trycare LimitedBradfordBradford
Medical Solution Providers LtdBrandfordBradford
Acorn Mobility Services Ltd.KeighleyBradford
Brenmoor LtdKeighleyBradford
Db Orthodontics LimitedKeighleyBradford
Digital Hearing Care Solutions LtdKeighleyBradford
Electrotek Scientific LtdKeighleyBradford
Freerider Luggie UK LimitedKeighleyBradford
General Anaesthetic Services LimitedKeighleyBradford
Hart Walker UK LimitedKeighleyBradford
Mark Finn Laboratory Furniture LimitedKeighleyBradford
Medical Supplies & Services International LimitedKeighleyBradford
Pff Health LimitedKeighleyBradford
Protherax Ltd.KeighleyBradford
R A Medical Services LimitedKeighleyBradford
Sabre Stairlift Systems LimitedKeighleyBradford
Swallow Dental Supplies LimitedKeighleyBradford
Thorpe Mill LimitedKeighleyBradford
Ulsys LimitedKeighleyBradford
Advanced Digital Innovation LtdShipleyBradford
Anetic Aid LimitedShipleyBradford
Aqb Pools LtdShipleyBradford
Don Whitley Scientific LimitedShipleyBradford
E-Dataware LimitedShipleyBradford
Ortho-Care (U.K.) LimitedShipleyBradford
Salthaus LimitedShipleyBradford
Space Kraft LimitedShipleyBradford
Techceram Technology Centre LimitedShipleyBradford
Ethoss Regeneration LtdSilsdenBradford
Chelmer Surgical Supply LimitedBaintreeBraintree
Alphatemp Technology LimitedBraintreeBraintree
Black Barn Consulting LimitedBraintreeBraintree
Labcare Service LimitedBraintreeBraintree
Medical Device Management LimitedBraintreeBraintree
Context Health LimitedCoggeshallBraintree
Day-Impex LimitedColchesterBraintree
B.N.O.S. Meditech LimitedHalsteadBraintree
Omega Laser Systems LimitedHalsteadBraintree
Beta Pharmaceuticals LimitedWithamBraintree
Greatspur Clinical Development Ltd.NorwichBreckland
Newgenne LimitedNorwichBreckland
Company name, Town, Local authority
Mahr Impex UK Ltd, Bradford, Bradford
Majestic Industries Ltd, Bradford, Bradford
Morvus Technology Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Pharmeum Ltd, Bradford, Bradford
Sgs Cambridge Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Sunflower Medical Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Surgi Care Instruments Ltd, Bradford, Bradford
Synergy Health Sterilisation UK Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Top Medics (UK) Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Trycare Limited, Bradford, Bradford
Medical Solution Providers Ltd, Brandford, Bradford
Acorn Mobility Services Ltd., Keighley, Bradford
Brenmoor Ltd, Keighley, Bradford
Db Orthodontics Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Digital Hearing Care Solutions Ltd, Keighley, Bradford
Electrotek Scientific Ltd, Keighley, Bradford
Freerider Luggie UK Limited, Keighley, Bradford
General Anaesthetic Services Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Hart Walker UK Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Mark Finn Laboratory Furniture Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Medical Supplies & Services International Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Pff Health Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Protherax Ltd., Keighley, Bradford
R A Medical Services Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Sabre Stairlift Systems Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Swallow Dental Supplies Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Thorpe Mill Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Ulsys Limited, Keighley, Bradford
Advanced Digital Innovation Ltd, Shipley, Bradford
Anetic Aid Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Aqb Pools Ltd, Shipley, Bradford
Don Whitley Scientific Limited, Shipley, Bradford
E-Dataware Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Ortho-Care (U.K.) Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Salthaus Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Space Kraft Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Techceram Technology Centre Limited, Shipley, Bradford
Ethoss Regeneration Ltd, Silsden, Bradford
Chelmer Surgical Supply Limited, Baintree, Braintree
Alphatemp Technology Limited, Braintree, Braintree
Black Barn Consulting Limited, Braintree, Braintree
Labcare Service Limited, Braintree, Braintree
Medical Device Management Limited, Braintree, Braintree
Context Health Limited, Coggeshall, Braintree
Day-Impex Limited, Colchester, Braintree
B.N.O.S. Meditech Limited, Halstead, Braintree
Omega Laser Systems Limited, Halstead, Braintree
Beta Pharmaceuticals Limited, Witham, Braintree
Greatspur Clinical Development Ltd., Norwich, Breckland
Newgenne Limited, Norwich, Breckland