List of companies in the life science sector

This is a directory of companies in the UK operating in the life science sector ordered by local authority and town. There are currently 7,544 companies in the database. Hover over the company name to see the area of the company's business. Click on the name to see the company profile. Missing data? Click here to send us an email letting us know about a company not on the list.

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Company nameTownLocal authority

Ovo Biomanufacturing LtdKenilworthWarwick

P L M C S LimitedKenilworthWarwick

Sonochem LimitedKenilworthWarwick

Wet Lab LimitedKenilworthWarwick

Active Mobility LimitedLeamington SpaWarwick

Egrist LtdLeamington SpaWarwick

Gumsaver LimitedLeamington SpaWarwick

Inspiralcare LtdLeamington SpaWarwick

Just Checking LtdSolihullWarwick

3P Innovation LimitedWarwickWarwick


Advena LimitedWarwickWarwick

Easigrip LimitedWarwickWarwick

Evolyst LtdWarwickWarwick

Kate Silvester LtdWarwickWarwick

Oka-Bi LimitedWarwickWarwick

Warwick Med LtdWarwickWarwick

Warwick Sasco LimitedWarwickWarwick

Contour886 LtdWatfordWatford

Imedicare LimitedWatfordWatford

Medtrum LtdWatfordWatford

Dxs International PlcElsteadWaverley

Bioventix PlcFarnhamWaverley

Cello Health LimitedFarnhamWaverley

Jenkins Ip LimitedFarnhamWaverley

Company name, Town, Local authority

Ovo Biomanufacturing Ltd, Kenilworth, Warwick

P L M C S Limited, Kenilworth, Warwick

Sonochem Limited, Kenilworth, Warwick

Wet Lab Limited, Kenilworth, Warwick

Active Mobility Limited, Leamington Spa, Warwick

Egrist Ltd, Leamington Spa, Warwick

Gumsaver Limited, Leamington Spa, Warwick

Inspiralcare Ltd, Leamington Spa, Warwick

Just Checking Ltd, Solihull, Warwick

3P Innovation Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Abilitynet, Warwick, Warwick

Advena Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Ag Instruments Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Contechs Trimming Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Creactive Design Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Easigrip Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Evolyst Ltd, Warwick, Warwick

Hmd Healthcare Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Kate Silvester Ltd, Warwick, Warwick

Manx Healthcare Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Medico Electrodes Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Oka-Bi Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Polar Electro (UK) Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Protex Healthcare (UK) Ltd, Warwick, Warwick

Vio Healthtech Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Warwick Med Ltd, Warwick, Warwick

Warwick Sasco Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Wenman Healthcare Limited, Warwick, Warwick

Contour886 Ltd, Watford, Watford

Dendron Brands Limited, Watford, Watford

Galderma (U.K.) Limited, Watford, Watford

Hospicode Direct UK Limited, Watford, Watford

Imedicare Limited, Watford, Watford

Medtrum Ltd, Watford, Watford

Dxs International Plc, Elstead, Waverley

Biocompatibles UK Limited, Farnham, Waverley

Bioventix Plc, Farnham, Waverley

Cello Health Limited, Farnham, Waverley

Jenkins Ip Limited, Farnham, Waverley